Ladies Preloved clothing evening


THURSDAY 20th March

7:00 – 9:00pm

Join us for a Ladies Preloved clothes evening – our exciting event where you can either SELL items or BUY.

Tickets £3.50 per person

Tables £10.00 (bookable via email)

48 in stock

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Ladies Preloved clothing evening

Thursday 20 March
Burcot village hall, Bromsgrove

Tickets: £3.50

We have a great fundraising event coming up – A Ladies Preloved clothes evening!

Spring is the perfect time to clear out your wardrobe to make way for lovely new items

So come along to our exciting event where you can either SELL items or BUY

To SELL please apply to us directly and cost per table is £10. You can sell your good quality and clean clothes, shoes and bags
(Hurry as limited spaces)

Email us:

To BUY it’s just £3.50 entrance fee/ticket with that you get FREE tea and cake.
Bring your cash and a large bag to fit in all the lovely items you can buy at bargain prices!
Items start at just £1

Plus we will have a great raffle too. So you can buy raffle tickets and we will draw it later on the night

PLUS if you have any good quality clean clothes, shoes or bags that you don’t need anymore but you don’t want to sell on a table yourself you can DONATE to US as we will also have a table that night to sell things on behalf of the horse sanctuary. (please contact us)

What a lovely way to spend an evening

And no postage

No packaging

No trips to the post office like the websites you buy and sell clothes on.

Instead a lovely evening of sharing lovely clothing, socialising, enjoying tea and cake AND raising money for local charity The Healing Horse Sanctuary!

See you there!



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